Electoral Area “E”

Director: Dan Rose

Dan Rose was elected as Director for Electoral Area ‘E’ in the November 2014 Local Government Election, and then as Vice-Chair of the Peace River Regional District Board in 2017 and 2022.  Prior to being elected as Director, Dan Rose served as the alternate for Area ‘E’ Director, Tim Caton. In the 2018 Local Government Election, Dan Rose was acclaimed for a second term, and acclaimed again in the 2022 Local Government Election.

Dan resides in Groundbirch with his wife Wendy, where they operate a successful cattle ranch and a small oilfield business.  They have a daughter and two sons who all live in the Dawson Creek area.

Dan is a strong advocator for the rural community and understands the challenges rural communities face.  As Director, Dan believes that governments are accountable to the people that elect them, and as such, it is crucial for residents to be brought into the planning process early so their voices can be heard, and further, that all levels of government must communicate and engage with residents prior to implementing new policy or legislation.

Dan’s political interests include solid waste and recycling, drinking water access, agriculture, taxation, planning, rural connectivity, health care, seniors housing, and open and transparent communication.

Dan chairs the Solid Waste Committee, the Regional Parks Committee, the Chetwynd Civic Properties Commission, the Health care Scholarship Committee, and sits on various other committees and working groups.  Dan is also the lead on caribou for the Peace River Regional District.

Alternate Director: Larry Houley
Email: larry.houley@prrd.bc.ca


PRRD Office, Dawson Creek: (250) 784-3200
PRRD Fax: (250) 784-3201
Residence:  (250) 780-2382
Email: dan.rose@prrd.bc.ca

Regional Board Appointments
not an exhaustive list

Electoral Area Directors’ Committee (EDAC)
Regional Parks Committee
Solid Waste Committee
Chetwynd Public Library Advisory Committee
Health Care Scholarship Committee
Chetwynd Civic Properties Commission
Electoral Area E Industrial Development Committee / Commission
Emergency Executive Committee
Fire Management Committees – Chetwynd and Moberly Lake
Rural Budget Administration Committee (RBAC)
Chetwynd Communications Society
Chetwynd Library
Municipal Finance Authority of BC
Northern Development Initiative – NE Regional Advisory Committee
Regional Community Liaison Committee – Site C Clean Energy Project
Coastal Gas Link Pipeline
Environmental Assessment Project Working Groups:

  • Hermann Mine
  • Sunkunka Coal Project
  • Westcoast Connector Gas Transmission
  • Wolverine East Bullmoose Mine Review Committee
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