Waste Reduction Resolutions for 2019!

Can you believe we are almost through the first month of the year?!  Are you still sticking strong with your New Year’s resolutions? Or have they already gone by the wayside?  Did any include to be more waste wise?

Well even if they didn’t, there no reason not to make some now!  It doesn’t have to be the New Year to make resolutions.  Here are some ideas to help you make some waste wise resolutions:

  • Reduce your waste by …

    • Cutting back on food waste; try to not have leftover food by only cooking what you need
    • Cutting back on avoidable food waste (avoidable food waste is food that was bought but never cooked or eaten but thrown because it expired)
      • Reducing your food waste can also help you save money! Win-Win!
    • Only buying what you need. Do you need that new top or those new shoes?  Do you need that latest trendy item or can you go without?
    • Bringing reusable bags when you go grocery shopping.
    • Using a reusable mug! Even if you stop at Starbucks, Tim Horton’s, McDonald’s or wherever, you can bring in a reusable mug for your coffee!
    • Using a reusable water bottle.
    • Reconsider the gifts you give this year. Maybe focus on gifts that create memories that will last a lifetime.
    • Limiting the use of single-use plastics.
  • Practice more Reuse

    • Reconsider always having to buy new for a gift for occasions this year. Can you make something that uses existing materials?
    • Take on some DIY project to reuse and repurpose materials.
  • Recycle better

    • I know sometimes it can be easier to throw out something that is actually recyclable, but take the time to do it!
    • Learn where to properly recycle batteries, paint, electronics, tires, and used oil.

Share your resolution or ideas for ways to be waste wise this year on our facebook page!

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pRRRdy Pal of the Month

We are looking for our pRRRdy Pal of the Month!  What is a pRRRdy Pal?  Well, its an individual, a group of people, or a business that is being waste-wise, following the 3 Rs, orpracticing waste reduction.  Are you that someone?  Do you know someone?  Email and let us know or comment on facebook!  The pRRRdy Bird wants to feature you!


Yours in Waste Reduction,


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