Temporary Entry Permits for Essential Personnel

There are no current PRRD Evacuation Orders in effect, which means the PRRD is not currently processing Temporary Entry Permits.

BC Wildfire Area Restriction Permit Process

For Donnie Creek and West Kiskatinaw wildfires, contact the BC Wildfire Service to follow their Area Restriction permit process:

Donnie Creek: BCWS.DonnieCreekLiaison@gov.bc.ca

West Kiskatinaw: BCWS.SouthPeaceComplex.Plans@gov.bc.ca

PRRD Temporary Entry Permit Process

The PRRD has a temporary entry permit process in place that can be used when Evacuation Order are issued.

Temporary entry permits are for essential personnel only – people who have a legitimate need to temporarily enter evacuated areas, such as to take care of livestock or maintain critical infrastructure or other essential services. These permits are required if requesting access into or via roads that run through an Evacuation Order area.

To apply for a permit to temporarily enter an area under an Evacuation Order, please submit a Temporary Entry Permit Application.

If you need assistance or additional information about temporary entry permits, please email EOC.entrypermits@prrd.bc.ca.

The PRRD Emergency Operations Centre and BC Wildfire will screen the applications and will assess safety risks. Permits will be authorized on a case-by-case basis. The goal is to review applications for next-day access, and access is based on a safety assessment.

Applications must be submitted prior to 4:30 p.m. to be considered for the next day.

NOTICE: Donnie Creek Complex Wildfire Under Area Restriction Order

Please Note: Starting June 8, there is Area Restriction Order in place for the Donnie Creek Complex wildfire, which means access is managed by BC Wildfire rather than through the PRRD’s temporary permit process. To request access for essential services, please contact BC Wildfire:  

Donnie Creek Complex Information Officer
BC Wildfire Service | Ministry of Forests
Phone: 778-362-4795

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