- You do not need to check in at an Emergency Support Services Reception Centre.
- Fill the gas tank of personal vehicles.
- Bring at least three days of food and essential supplies (e.g. medications, pet supplies) with you, as local grocery stores may not yet have adequate stock.
- Please use extra caution when driving – there may be hazards on the roads throughout the area, including downed trees. It’s a good idea to avoid driving at night or if there is poor visibility due to rain or smoke.
- Please refer to our Heading Back Home Guide for tips on returning safely to your home after an evacuation, including:
- how to assess and avoid potential hazards on your property, and
- how to deal with health and safety risks in your home, including rotting food and other garbage.
For More Information:
We strongly recommend all in the PRRD sign up for North East BC Alerts at NEBCAlerts.com to be notified about Evacuation Orders and Alerts changes and breaking news on new emergencies.
We also encourage residents to take advantage of PRRD’s 2023 FireSmart program, which provides tips on protecting your home and property. For more information about this program and to book a free, confidential appointment, visit https://prrd.bc.ca/firesmart/.
Additional information about Evacuation Alerts and Orders will be posted at prrd.bc.ca
Emergency Information Email: emergency-info@prrd.bc.ca
Visit bcwildfire.ca for updates on the wildfire status and firefighting response.