Projects: Parks and Recreation

Connecting Communities Trails Project

Purpose: Trails give us enjoyable and safe options for transportation and recreation and also help to create healthy and livable communities. In 2018, the Peace River Regional District got a grant from the BC Alliance for Healthy Living to complete a study that is looking at the possibility of putting in trails between Dawson Creek and Pouce Coupe and Fort St. John and Charlie Lake. The study will show some potential routes between the communities, recommend trail furnishings (benches, garbage cans, etc.), the costs of putting these trails in, and finally will tell us about the best way to move forward together. The study will be completed in the summer of 2019, so keep your eyes out for the final version and next steps!

Chetwynd Library Replacement Project

Purpose: The current Chetwynd Public Library is a highly valued public facility that serves people within the District of Chetwynd and throughout the surrounding areas. This library was built in 1957 and is either in need of substantial repairs or upgrades in order to continue to serve residents. In 2016, the Peace River Regional District Board committed to a feasibility study to gain a better understanding of the future needs and wants of the public. 

Peace Lookout Drainage and Stormwater Management Study

Purpose: The Peace Lookout is located on crown land approximately 3km south on 100th Street from the intersection of 100th Street and Highway 97, just outside of the municipal boundaries of Fort St. John. Beginning in 2009, the Regional District investigated the possibility of taking on this Lookout as a Regional Park but discontinued the project in 2012. In 2017, there was renewed interest in the potential development of the location. In 2018 the Regional District has budgeted to complete a Drainage and Stormwater Management Study.

There have been 4 studies previously completed by the Regional District at this location, which can be found below;

Target Start/Completion Dates: Summer 2018 start, completion winter 2018 or spring 2019

Project Contact:  Trish Morgan, Manager of Community Services

South and West Peace Recreation Facility Inventory and Assessment

Purpose: The study will provide local governments in the South and West Peace with a stronger understanding of current and future demands of recreation user groups in relation to existing facilities.  Going forward, this information will assist in decision making, prioritizing and focusing investments into recreation facility upgrades, replacements and construction to meet the needs of the South and West Peace communities.

Target Start/Completion Dates: Fall 2019 start, completion spring 2020.

Project Contact:  Trish Morgan, Manager of Community Services

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