Do dugouts and dugout water supplies require a licence?
Dugout water supplies do not need licencing. Dugout water supplies filled by rain or spring feshets do not require a water licence from the Water Comptroller of the Ministry of Environment; however, if the landowner is diverting water from a stream to fill the dugout a licence is required.
If I have a quantity of raw sewage to truck to the Charlie Lake Trucked Waste Facility, where do I go for approval or permission in order to unload there?
Email and instructions will be provided to you. A credit check would be one of the requirements you would need to provide.
When are the landfills open and where are the landfills located?
To view a list of landfills, a map of their locations and their hours of operations please check our Landfill and Transfer Stations page.
Where are the transfer sites?
To view a list of transfer sites and a map of their locations please check our Landfill and Transfer Stations page.
Where do I take my recycle stuff?
Use the pRRRdy Says search bar below to find out were you can take recycling and other materials.
Or, for a list of locations please check our Garbage and Recycling page or check the pRRRdy website for information on locations, items that can be recycled and more.
Who do I contact regarding recycling info?
You can call the Greenline 1-888-689-6328 to find out information regarding Recycling.