Oil and Gas Information

If there is an Oil and Gas emergency in your area call 911 immediately. The BC Energy Regulator (BCER) provides a 24 hr number for incidents (explosions, fires, line breaks, spills or leaks).  To report an incident, please call the Provincial Emergency Coordination Centre at 1-800-663-3456 (24 hrs a day). The incident operator will take your information and contact the BCER. For more information check the BCER’s website for fact sheets and public education information or check the Ministry of Natural Gas Development’s website.

Information for Emergency Planners

The Emergency Services Department has prepared the following information that outlines specifically the roles and responsibilities the Peace River Regional District will undertake in the event of an oil and gas emergency. For further information please review the document below or contact the Community Services Department at (250) 784-3200 or by email.

Contact Information for Emergency Response Plans:
Agency: Peace River Regional District (Local Authority)
Agency Address: 1981 Alaska Avenue, Box 810, Dawson Creek, BC V1G 4H8
Agency Contact: Sean Cairns, Protective Services Manager.
Emergency/ 24 hr Number: 1-800-670-7773
Office Number: (250) 784-3200
Fax Number: (250) 784-3201


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