In the Province of British Columbia regional districts and municipalities are required to plan and respond to emergencies in their area. In the Peace River Regional District each of the municipalities are responsible for their own emergency planning, while the Peace River Regional District conducts emergency planning for the unincorporated rural areas (Area B, C, D and E). For more information on personal and family preparedness contact the Peace River Regional District at 250 784-3200.
Family Emergency Planning 101
Just like most families have home or car insurance, EVERY family should have a plan in place for when an emergency occurs. Families should be prepared to be self-sufficient for 72 hours. During an emergency, help many not be able to get to you right away as the demand for emergency services increases. It may take emergency workers some time to get to you as they help those in most critical need, so families need to plan to manage on their own for a period of time. The Province of BC and the Government of Canada recommend that individuals be prepared to be self-sufficient for 72 hrs. Here are some of the basics required for an emergency kit.
Preparing a Family Emergency Kit
- Water: at least 2 litres* of water per person per day
- Food that won’t spoil and should be replaced annually
- Manual can opener
- Wind-up or battery-powered flashlight
- Wind-up or battery-powered radio
- First Aid Kit
- Cash in smaller bills and change for payphones
- Copy of your emergency plan and contact information
- Prescription medication, pet food, baby formula, etc.
- Candles and a lighter
- Sleeping bags
- Toiletries
* 2 litres of water per day is the minimum recommended, however, 4 litres per person per day should provide enough water for drinking, washing and food preparation.
Community Emergency Preparedness Program
Good planning is the key to success in many things in life, and being ready to care for ourselves and our families following an emergency is one area where planning can make a life-altering difference.
Community Preparedness Planning Process
- Understand the size of your community its demographics and specific concerns
- Identify hazards, their potential effects and impacts to the community
- Encourage community residents to become personally prepared
- Encourage neighbors to participate in the development of a community response plan
- Identify community resources
- Encourage training and exercising as a community team
- Encourage the community to work together and establish a network with adjacent communities, other organizations and the community at large
The PRRD has developed a two session planning process to support communities to begin to develop their community plans. To find out more, contact the Regional District at 250 784-3200. Below are some links to guides and resources to get you started with your Emergency Preparedness Planning.
Family Emergency Preparedness and Kits
- Household Emergency Guide
- Your Emergency Preparedness Guide
- For Indigenous Communities
- Get Prepared Canada
- All-hazard Emergency Preparedness Workbook
- Grab ‘n Go Emergency Kit
Preparing Your Home for Emergencies
- Back-up Power for Your Home
- When You Must Leave Your House due to a Prolonged Winter Power Outage
- Dealing with Power Outages
- What to do After a Fire
- Wood Heat Safety in an Emergency
Winter Weather Preparedness Tips
- Shift into Winter: Tips for Safe Winter Driving
- Before Winter Storms and Extreme Cold
- Extreme Cold: A Prevention Guide to Promote Your Personal Healthy and Safety
- Winter Driving Tips
- Emergency Car Kit – Winter Supplies
- Drive BC
Power Outage Preparedness
Flood Preparedness
- Homeowners Manual – Flood Protection
- EMBC Sandbagging
- EMBC Flood Safety Precautions
- Sand Bag Dike Tips on YouTube
- Landslide Information
Fire Prevention & Preparedness
- BC Homeowners FireSmart Manual
- What to do After a Fire
- FireSmart Canada Website
- Sprinklers Save Lives – Home Fire Sprinkler
Livestock Preparedness
- Planning for Livestock Evacuation – Ministry of Agriculture
- Emergency Management Guide for BC Beef Producers
- AgSafe – Formerly FARSHA