For damages related to wildfire response:
There is a claims process through BC Wildfire that may be available if:
- your property was damaged by wildfire suppression activities, for example, if wildfire crews or equipment damaged fencing, dropped retardant or otherwise had a negative impact on your property; and/or
- you fought the wildfires with your own equipment and have not been compensated.
To initiate the claims process, please email or call 778-267-0589.
For damage to farm equipment, fences, etc. from the wildfire:
- Although there are currently no supports available for farmers with property damaged by wildfires, in some past years, BC and federal governments have announced AgriRecovery Programs.
- Please note that it is unknown if these types of programs will be made available in future.
- We recommend that farmers and ranchers take photos of damage and keep receipts when making repairs, just in case retroactive funding becomes available.
For damage to house and/or household items due to fire or an evacuation, it’s a good idea to:
- If you have insurance, contact you provider ASAP.
- Take photos of damage to your home that relates to the fire.
- Take photos and an inventory of any waste as a result of being evacuated, including spoiled food or other household items.
- Keep receipts.
Please see the Heading Back Home Guide for more tips.