Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure Updates – 2020 Old Fort Landslide

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Ministry of Transportation
& Infrastructure




Drive BC



Old Fort Slide Photographs

July 2, 2020 – shows the movement of the slide, over several days, captured with LiDAR photography.
June 2020 – Old Fort Slide Progression
June 29, 2020
June 26, 2020
June 25, 2020
June 22, 2020

Update Archive

MoTI Updates

June 19, 2020

1930 hrs Update: The Old Fort Road will be closed at 9:00 pm June 19th.  An update on the road will be issued by MOTI on Drive BC at 8:00 am June 20th.

1500 hrs Update: Please see the Transportation Advisory from the Ministry of Transportation regarding Old Fort Road.

As of 10:00 AM provided by the Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure  – The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) is continuing to evaluate the road and will be releasing more information when they have it available. The PRRD will share this update once it has been released. For information on road conditions check Drive BC and the Ministry’s Facebook and Twitter.  For further information about roads, please contact Dawson Road Maintenance – North Peace: 250-262-2600 or 1-800-842-4122.

The Ministry detected localized ground movement on the Old Fort Road late in the evening on June 18, 2020, at approximately 7 pm, and closed Old Fort Road overnight as a precaution. There was no movement detected near residents.

Old Fort Road is now open for short periods of time to allow local traffic and essential services through while ministry technical staff assess the road and crews make subsequent repairs.

Since the landslide in 2018, an automated monitoring system has been onsite at Old Fort to provide continuous updates on any ground movements in the area, and an operating protocol is in place to respond appropriately.

Residents are asked to report any signs of slide movement or incidents to the local maintenance contractor, Dawson Road Maintenance Ltd, which can be reached 24/7 at its emergency line: 1-800-842-4122.

People are reminded to check @DriveBC on Twitter or: for updates

June 18, 2020

Issued by the Ministry of Transportation at 11:55 pm:

  • The Old Fort Road has been impacted by soil movement which appears to be localized around the road based on observed cracking and ground movement. This has also been confirmed with GPS monitoring data.  There is currently no indication of larger-scale movement based on the same GPS monitoring data.
  • To keep road users safe, the road will be closed until a geotechnical assessment is completed. Geotech is travelling to the site for assessment first thing in the morning.
  • Next update at 10:00 AM, June 19th


  • Upon further assessment, the Ministry will advise the Peace River Regional District whether the Old Fort Emergency Plan needs to be activated.
  • Existing evacuation orders and evacuation alerts remain in effect.  No new evacuation orders or alerts have been issued. Only emergency responders may enter the evacuation order areas.

For information on road conditions check Drive BC.  For further information please contact the District office at 250 787-3237.

Follow Dawson Road Maintenance on Facebook for updates.

Sign up for Northeast BC Emergency & Public Alerts to stay updated on emergency events in your area.

PRRD Emergency Plan- Old Fort Area V4

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