Issued June 15, 2023 at 1000 hours (10:00 a.m.)
Based on recommendations from BC Wildfire, the Peace River Regional District has rescinded Peavine Creek Evacuation Order #1 as of June 15, 2023 at 1000 hours (10:00 a.m.)
This means the Evacuation Order is cancelled for the following areas, and they are now under Peavine Creek Evacuation Alert #2:
- from the BC/Alberta border west to Gunter Bridge;
- southwest along with One Island Lake Road to the One Island Lake Bridge;
- from that point, continuing east/southeast following the Kiskatinaw River then east along Cutbank Creek to the Cutbank Dam at Hwy 52E;
- following South along the west side of Hwy 52E to km 212;
- east to a point of intersection with the BC/Alberta border; and
- north along the BC/Alberta border for 14.5 km.
The following is a list of the properties that are affected by these changes.
18633 Hwy 52 E | 17423 209 Rd | 17411 211 Rd |
18566 Hwy 52 E | 17337 Hwy 52 E | 18571 Hwy 52 E |
18498 Hwy 52 E | 471 185 Rd | 17124 Hwy 52 E |
This notification does not apply to First Nations communities or municipalities as they issue their own Orders and Alerts.
Residents on these properties can return home; however, it is important to be prepared to leave on short notice.
Safety Tips for Returning Home
- Please use extra caution when driving – there may be hazards on the roads throughout the area, including downed trees and powerlines. It’s a good idea to avoid driving at night or if there is poor visibility due to rain or smoke.
- Please refer to our Heading Back Home Guide for tips on returning safely to your home after an evacuation, including:
- how to assess and avoid potential hazards on your property; and
- how to deal with health and safety risks in your home, including how to deal with rotting food and other garbage.
It’s important to remember that when you are under an Alert, you, need to be ready to leave the area again with short notice. Please review the instructions for the Peavine Creek Evacuation Alert #2 to be prepared to evacuate on short notice if needed.
Please note that an Evacuation Order may need to be reissued; however, if that is deemed necessary, a new Evacuation Order process will be initiated.
Peavine Creek Evacuation Order #2 Rescinded Official Notice PDF
For more information:
Additional information about Evacuation Alerts and Orders will be posted at
PRRD Emergency Information Line: 250-219-5210
Emergency Information Email:
BC Wildfire is responsible for the wildfire firefighting response. For updates and additional information visit