11:00 am - 12:00 pm
*This event is for the Doig River First Nations community
The PRRD has been working on a Regional Solid Waste Management plan to help address emerging local issues and manage waste in the safest and most-cost effective way possible. The public and First Nation communities are invited to join one of 16 virtual open houses to learn about what has been developed for the draft plan.
Each event will go over the strategies relating to waste diversion, energy recovery, illegal dumping and funding the solid waste system - while promoting reduce, reuse, and recycle. In between short presentations you will have a chance to ask questions and provide comments.
Join via Zoom: https://prrd-bc-ca.zoom.us/j/98215716549?pwd=dC9tT2lvZEZkMDU4OWg5bm90VXgzdz09
Join via phone:
Dial: 1 647 558 0588
Meeting ID: 982 1571 6549
Meeting Passcode: 582235
Watch presentation videos in advance and view project updates at: https://haveyoursay.prrd.bc.ca/solid-waste-management-plan-join-in