Osborn Replacement Project - Phase 2 Virtual Information Session

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Area residents have expressed interest in repairing or replacing the Osborn Community Hall. Building designs have been created out of the information collected in Phase 1 of the project, and will be presented as part of this meeting. There will also be a question and answer session following the presentation - so get your questions ready! To get more project information or to provide your feedback through the survey visit:

Join via Zoom: https://prrd-bc-ca.zoom.us/j/99487159555?pwd=SHAxQWNwT3AraHVxSDE1bDU2SlRWdz09

Join via phone:
Dial: 1 778 907 2071
Enter Meeting ID: 994 8715 9555
Meeting Passcode: 970177

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Osborn Replacement Project - Phase 2 Virtual Information Session