PRRD Online Evacuation Map Tool

Here’s how you can search for your address to see if you’re in an Alert or Order area (or neither):

The fastest way to see if your property is under an Evacuation Order or Alert is to use the Map Tool below.

  • Enter your address in the Address Search box at the top left of the map.
  • Evacuation Order areas are the light red colour
  • Evacuation Alert areas are the dark yellow colour.

Tip: Please use Rd instead of Road when entering your address, or you can simply enter your street name and a list of addresses for that street will appear in a drop-down box for you to select your property address.

If you are still having difficulty determining if your property is in an Evacuation Alert or Order area, please contact the PRRD via email at

Please note that the PRRD’s Orders and Alerts do not apply to First Nations communities or municipalities as they issue their own Orders and Alerts.

For a mobile friendly version please click here.

Online Map Tool 

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