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Zn 18-276



RD/19/03/34 (28)
MOVED Director Goodings, SECONDED Director Fraser,
That Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2327, 2019, to amend the zoning of Lot A, Section 34, Township 84, Range 14, W6M, Peace River District, Plan 20678 from P “Public Use Zone” to R-2 “Residential 2 Zone” within PRRD Zoning Bylaw No. 1000, 1996, be read a third time this 28th day of March, 2019.

RD/19/03/35 (28)
MOVED Director Goodings, SECONDED Director Fraser,
That Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2327, 2019 be adopted this 28th day of March, 2019.


Applicant: Albert Yake

Summary: Proposed rezoning from Public to Residental in Goodlow

Electoral Area: Area B

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Deadline: March 27, 2019 4:00 pm

Comment Period Closed