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DVP 20-001



RD/20/03/16 (26)
MOVED Chair Sperling, SECONDED Director Hiebert,
That the Regional Board authorize Development Variance Permit No. 20-001, for the property identified as PID 013-013-742, to reduce the rear yard setback from 5 metres to 3 metres within PRRD Zoning Bylaw No. 1343, 2001


Applicant: Jayson and Kara Strate

Summary: Proposed Development Variance Permit to reduce the rear parcel line, 120 Avenue, Fort St John

Electoral Area: Area C

Provide Input

All written submissions must be received by the PRRD 4:00 pm the day before the Regional Board meeting, alternatively you may attend and provide input at the beginning of the meeting.

Submit Comment
Deadline: March 25, 2020 4:00 pm

Comment Period Closed

Status Updates

In progress

Mar 26, 2020

Regional Board issued Development Variance Permit No. 20-001