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Zn 17-059



RD/21/06/33 (24)
That the Regional Board refuse adoption of Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2295, 2019.

RD/22/10/24 (27)
That the Regional Board give Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2296, 2019, which rezones the properties with the PIDs 024-932-680 and 024-932-744 from A-2 (Large Agricultural Holdings Zone) and R-4 (Residential 4 Zone) to I-1 (Light Industrial Zone), third reading.

RD/22/10/25 (27)
That the Regional Board adopt Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2296, 2019.


Applicant: Haney

Summary: Proposed Zoning Amendment 1086 Micro Sub north east of Dawson Creek

Electoral Area: Area D

Provide Input

All written submissions received by the PRRD prior to 4:00 pm on the day of the Public Hearing will be included in the agenda package for the public hearing. After 4 pm, the only avenue for input is to attend the public hearing and provide verbal or written comment that will be shared with all in attendance. Following the close of the public hearing, no additional input can be accepted.

Written comments that are handed in during the public hearing will be added to this page following the hearing, and incorporated into the information provided to the Board when they consider 3rd reading of the bylaw. Verbal comments made during the hearing will also be summarized in the report submitted to the Board.

Submit Comment
Deadline: March 11, 2020 4:00 pm

Comment Period Closed

Status Updates

Mar 12, 2020

Public Hearing scheduled for Bylaw 2295 and Bylaw 2296

Mar 12, 2020

Public Hearings held for Zoning Amendment Bylaws 2295 and 2296, 2020

Jul 9, 2020

Regional Board to consider Zoning Bylaw 2295, 2019 and 2296, 2019 for 3rd Reading

Jul 9, 2020

Regional Board deferred the decision of 3rd Reading for Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2295, 2019 until further discussions have taken place and prior to consideration of 3rd Reading for Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2296, 2019 the Regional Board outlined requirements that have to be met.

Sep 10, 2020

Regional Board to consider Zoning amendment Bylaw 2295, 2019 and Zoning amendment Bylaw 2296, 2019 for 3rd Reading

Sep 10, 2020

Regional Board extended the deadline for completion of conditions to October 30, 2020

Nov 26, 2020

Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2295, 2019 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2296, 2020 update reports deferred to the December 11, 2020 Board meeting

Dec 11, 2020

Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2295, 2019 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2296, 2020 received 3rd Reading, Adoption deferred pending conditions required by the Regional Board be met.

Jun 24, 2021

Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2295, 2019 refused by Board. 3rd Reading of Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2296, 2019 deferred pending the resolution of outstanding conditions.