« All Development Applications

DVP 56/2017



RD/21/06/30 (24)
That the Regional Board authorize Development Variance Permit No. 17-056, for the property identified as PID 024-932-744, to reduce a front parcel line setback from 7 metres to 1.28metres for a structure identified as an office and a north interior parcel line setback from 3 metres to 0 metres for the structure identified as a shop, only for the lifetime of the two structures in their existing state and size, within PRRD Zoning Bylaw No. 1343, 2001.  CARRIED


Applicant: Haney

Summary: Proposed Development Variance Permit 8306 Micro Sub north east of Dawson Creek

Electoral Area: Area D

Provide Input

All written submissions must be received by the PRRD 4:00 pm the day before the Regional Board meeting being held at the Pomeroy Hotel and Conference Centre located at 11308 Alaska Road, Fort St John, BC. PRRD meetings are open to the public; however, proper spacing requirements limit public attendance to a maximum of ten people. Please email prrd.dc@prrd.bc.ca or call the office at 250-784-3200 if you are planning to attend. The Board meetings are livestreamed on the Peace River Regional District “Official Page” Facebook site.

Submit Comment
Deadline: June 23, 2021 4:00 pm

Comment Period Closed

Status Updates

In progress

Jun 24, 2021