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23-006 DVP
That the Regional Board approve the issuance of Development Variance Permit No. 23-006, to allow a reduction in the exterior (western) parcel line setback from 5.0m to 4.27m, and an increase to the maximum permitted accessory building floor area from 100 m2 to 100.27m2, for the property identified as PID 031-982-255; further, that issuance of a building permit be withheld until the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure has issued a Structure Setback Permit for the proposed accessory building.
Applicant: Robert Finley
Summary: Proposed Development Variance Permit to build a 1080 ft² garage 14 ft to the property line
Electoral Area: Area D
Provide Input
All written submissions must be received by the PRRD 4:00 pm the day before the Regional Board meeting, alternatively you may attend and provide input at the beginning of the meeting.
Submit Comment
Deadline: December 7, 2023 4:00 pm
Comment Period Closed
Status Updates
Oct 24, 2023
In progress
Dec 8, 2023
Regional Board issued Development Variance Permit 23-006 DVP subject to a Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Structure Setback Permit.