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22-002 DVP
That the Regional Board authorize the issuance of Development Variance Permit No. 22-002, to allow a reduction in the south exterior side parcel line setback and to increase the maximum accessory building floor area for the property identified as PID: 007-935-641 as follows:
- From 5 meters to 2.54 meters on the southwest corner of the existing shop;
- From 5 meters to 2.48 meters on the southeast corner of the existing shop;
- From 5 meters to 2.44 meters on the southwest corner of the existing shed on piles;
- From 5 meters to 2.45 meters on the southeast corner of the existing shed on piles; and
- From 187 m² to 220.7 m², a difference of 33.7 m², to accommodate for the existing shop
to bring the property into conformity within PRRD Zoning Bylaw No. 1343, 2001.
Applicant: Katherine and Jeffrey Kirschner
Summary: Proposed Development Variance Permit for a reduction of the setback from the south parcel line, 12233 91st near Fort St John
Electoral Area: Area C
Provide Input
All written submissions must be received by the PRRD 4:00 pm the day before the Regional Board meeting, alternatively you may attend and provide input at the beginning of the meeting.
Submit Comment
Deadline: July 13, 2022 4:00 pm
Comment Period Closed
Status Updates
May 19, 2022
Under review
Jul 14, 2022
Regional Board Intends to Consider Development Variance Permit 22-002
Jul 14, 2022
Regional Board issued Development Variance Permit 22-002