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21-008 DVP
RD/21/12/06 (17)
That the Regional Board authorize the issuance of Development Variance Permit No. 21-008, to reduce the northern interior side parcel line setback from the required 3.0 metres to 2.1 metres and 3.0 metres to 1.4 metres to bring the existing accessory structures, which consist of a utility shed and sign shop, into compliance for the property identified as PID: 013-234-421.
Applicant: James Little as agent for Kevin and Lori Maclean
Summary: Proposed Development Variance Permit to reduce the side parcel setback for an existing building, 8585 Old Fort Road, Fort St John
Electoral Area: Area C
Provide Input
All written submissions must be received by the PRRD 4:00 pm the day before the Regional Board meeting, alternatively you may attend and provide input at the beginning of the meeting.
Submit Comment
Deadline: December 16, 2021 4:00 pm
Comment Period Closed