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21-005 ZN



RD/21/05/21 (27)
That the Regional Board give Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2436, 2021, to rezone the subject property identified as PID 013-516-523 from C-2 zone to R-2 zone within PRRD Zoning Bylaw 1343, 2001, third reading. CARRIED

RD/21/05/22 (27)
That the Regional Board adopt Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2436, 2021. CARRIED


Applicant: Suzanne McKenzie and Shawn Mckenzie

Summary: Proposed Zoning Amendment from commercial to residential, 12739 Old Hope Road

Electoral Area: Area C

Provide Input

All written submissions received by the PRRD prior to 4:00 pm on the day of the Public Hearing will be included in the agenda package for the public hearing. After 4 pm, the only avenue for input is to participate in the virtual Public Hearing:

Zoom audio/video call.
Join the call by:
Dialing: 1-647-558-0588
Meeting ID: 928-4161-1773#
Participant ID: Please press # Password: 509834#

Submit Comment
Deadline: May 10, 2021 4:00 pm

Comment Period Closed

Status Updates

In progress

May 10, 2021

May 27, 2021

Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2436, 2021 received 3rd Reading and Adoption