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21-003 DVP
RD/21/05/14 (27)
That the Regional Board respectfully refuse Development Variance Permit No. 21-003, for the property identified as PID 011-919-175 to allow an increase in the maximum permitted accessory building floor area from 187 square metres to 197.4 square metres. CARRIED
Applicant: Grant Adams
Summary: Proposed Development Variance Permit to increase the maximum accessory building floor area by 10%
Electoral Area: Area C
Provide Input
All written submissions must be received by the PRRD 4:00 pm the day before the Regional Board meeting. The PRRD meeting is closed to the public as a result of the COVID 19 situation however, the Board meeting can be viewed live on the Peace River Regional District “Official Page” Facebook site and the video will be uploaded to the website the week following the meeting.
Submit Comment
Deadline: May 26, 2021 8:00 pm
Comment Period Closed
Status Updates
Mar 29, 2021
In progress
May 27, 2021
Regional Board Intends to Consider Development Variance Permit 21-003