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20-017 Zn



RD/21/03/25 (25)
MOVED Director Goodings, SECONDED Director Bertrand,
That the Regional Board give Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2427, 2021, to provide a site-specific text amendment in the A-2 zone of Zoning Bylaw No. 1000, 1996 that would allow a 500 person work camp and card lock fuel sales on a 10.7 hectare (26.4 acre) portion of the subject property identified as PID 014-746-701, third reading.

RD/21/03/26 (25)
MOVED Director Goodings, SECONDED Director Hiebert,
That the Regional Board adopt Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2427, 2021.


Applicant: Blackbird Environmental Ltd. as agent for Wildfire Land & Cattle Co.

Summary: Proposed zoning text amendment to allow for a worker camp and cardlock fuel sales on 10.7 ha of the property west of Wonowon

Electoral Area: Area B

Provide Input

All written submissions must be received by the PRRD 4:00 pm the day before the Regional Board meeting.

Submit Comment
Deadline: March 24, 2021 4:00 pm

Comment Period Closed