pRRRdy Waste Wise

pRRRdy Waste Wise Newsletter!

The pRRRdy Talks Trash is leaving, but say hello to pRRRdy Waste Wise! pRRRdy Waste Wise is a quarterly newsletter that will highlight the waste wise going-ons in the PRRD.  This newsletter will replace the old pRRRdy Talks Trash monthly blog! Stay tuned for the new issue.

Back To School

As the summer ends, it’s time to start thinking about back to school.  Getting ready to go back to school means getting new supplies and preparing for the new year ahead.  Is there a way to get ready for back to school and be waste-wise?

Reducing what we buy and what we use is the most effective way to be waste-wise.  Here are some ways to possibly reduce and reuse what you need:

  • Shop your home! Look around your home for supplies that can be reused.  This includes pens, pencils, pencil crayons, markers, erasers, binders, notebooks, and the list goes on!  Turn this into a game with your little or even older ones.  The kids can go on a treasure hunt for these items and can foster reuse habits plus save money! Sounds like win-win to the pRRRdy Bird!
  • Buy second hand! There are numerous thrift stores around our Regional District!  Check there for school supplies (notebooks, binders, lunch boxes, reusable containers for lunches, etc.) and you can even find a new outfit!  Buying second hand is great as you are reducing the need for new items and giving other items a new life!  Plus, you can generally buy used for less than buying new.
  • If you have to buy new, try to purchase items with minimal or no packing. This will help to reduce the amount of materials that need to be recycled or thrown in the garbage.
  • Purchase items with packaging that is recyclable!
  • Again if you’re buying new, invest in items that will last a long time to forever! These items may cost a bit more upfront but can save you money in the long run as you will not have to re-buy the same item year after year.  Some of these items include stainless scissors, a metal ruler, or a backpack with a lifetime warranty.

Hopefully, these ideas have inspired your back to school journey to be a more waste-wise!  Share your ideas on back to school waste reduction with the pRRRdy Birdy on Facebook!


Waste Reduction Resolutions for 2019!

Can you believe we are almost through the first month of the year?!  Are you still sticking strong with your New Year’s resolutions? Or have they already gone by the wayside?  Did any include to be more waste wise?

Well even if they didn’t, there no reason not to make some now!  It doesn’t have to be the New Year to make resolutions.  Here are some ideas to help you make some waste wise resolutions:

  • Reduce your waste by …

    • Cutting back on food waste; try to not have leftover food by only cooking what you need
    • Cutting back on avoidable food waste (avoidable food waste is food that was bought but never cooked or eaten but thrown because it expired)
      • Reducing your food waste can also help you save money! Win-Win!
    • Only buying what you need. Do you need that new top or those new shoes?  Do you need that latest trendy item or can you go without?
    • Bringing reusable bags when you go grocery shopping.
    • Using a reusable mug! Even if you stop at Starbucks, Tim Horton’s, McDonald’s or wherever, you can bring in a reusable mug for your coffee!
    • Using a reusable water bottle.
    • Reconsider the gifts you give this year. Maybe focus on gifts that create memories that will last a lifetime.
    • Limiting the use of single-use plastics.
  • Practice more Reuse

    • Reconsider always having to buy new for a gift for occasions this year. Can you make something that uses existing materials?
    • Take on some DIY project to reuse and repurpose materials.
  • Recycle better

    • I know sometimes it can be easier to throw out something that is actually recyclable, but take the time to do it!
    • Learn where to properly recycle batteries, paint, electronics, tires, and used oil.

Share your resolution or ideas for ways to be waste wise this year on our facebook page!

If you liked this post and want to see more subscribe to our mailing list for new blog posts coming every month!

pRRRdy Pal of the Month

We are looking for our pRRRdy Pal of the Month!  What is a pRRRdy Pal?  Well, its an individual, a group of people, or a business that is being waste-wise, following the 3 Rs, orpracticing waste reduction.  Are you that someone?  Do you know someone?  Email and let us know or comment on facebook!  The pRRRdy Bird wants to feature you!


Yours in Waste Reduction,


Easter is coming!

Is it already March? Easter is just around the corner. Today’s blog is about using extra materials around the house to make Easter decorations!

Decorating is a lot of fun, but it does add to the expenses and waste around any holiday. This year see if you can find things around the house to upcycle and reuse into Easter decorations. There are plenty of items that just need a little something extra to create beautiful décor.

Jars and bottles

When it comes to glass jars and bottles the possibilities are endless! Take some paint, coloured paper, or tape and you’ve got a masterpiece. Here are some ideas to spark your creative mind!


Just planning to recycle all your extra newspapers? Think again! These ideas are a great way to make eco-friendly decor.

Food Scraps

Did you know you could dye Easter eggs with your food scraps? Check out these different mixtures used to dye eggs naturally!

Let the PRRD know about your recycled Easter decor ideas! Finally, if you liked this post please share, like and subscribe!

Reducing Business and Office Waste

Today’s blog is all about reducing waste in your office! Let’s face it, we spend a good portion of our days at work so why not try to reduce your waste here too.

Waste Reduction Tips for Reducing Paper:

Say no to paper by:

  • Going electronic.
  • Storing files digitally.
  • Edit files on computers rather than printing it out.
  • Reduce unsolicited mail.
  • Posting or send work memos electronically instead of printing.

If it is not possible to completely cut out paper try these ideas:

  • Print double sided.
  • Reuse scrap printed paper by making notepads.
  • Consider not using cover sheets on faxes.
  • Cover mailing addresses with labels and then reuse the envelopes.
  • Use recycled or alternative paper.
  • Re-purpose shredded office paper as package filling.
  • Reuse boxes for shipping.
  • Have a bin for recycling paper.

Other Waste Reduction Tips:

  • Purchase products that have little to no packaging.
  • Consider buying more products in bulk.
  • Ask that deliveries be shipped in returnable containers if possible.
  • Minimize colour printing (it uses more ink).
  • Buy recycled toner and ink (cartridges contribute metal and plastic to landfills).
  • Buy used furniture.
  • Recycle e-waste (computers, printers, etc.) responsibly. There are places throughout the regional district that can recycle these material properly. 
  • Provide reusable dishes for meetings.
  • Provide recycling bins for bottles, containers, etc.

Can you think for reducing waste at the office? Let the PRRD know by posting on Facebook. As always please share this post on social media.

Finally, if you want to see more posts from pRRRdy Talks Trash subscribe to our mailing list!

Let’s keep rethinking!

We are now almost a month into the New Year! This year is going to fly by and it’s only just beginning.

Today’s blog post is about the movie Story of Stuff. Take 20 minutes of your day to watch this movie about how production and consumption patterns, affect waste generation. This is an American movie, but many of the themes apply to our everyday lives.

Here are some Canadian waste facts to give you a Canadian perspective:

  • An average North American will throw away 600 times his or her weight in garbage, in their lifetime. For example: a 68 kg adult will leave 40,825 kg of trash.
  • Since 1950, Canadians have consumed as much as all the generations before us combined.
  • To create just one kilogram of consumer goods, manufacturers create five kilograms of waste.
  • In North America, we produce enough garbage each day, to fill 70,000 garbage trucks. If you were to line up all these garbage trucks, over a year, they would stretch halfway to the moon.
  • Across Canada it costs over $1.5 billion a year to dispose of garbage.
  • Today, 80% of municipal and industrial solid waste in Canada is disposed of in landfills. The rest is disposed through recycling, resource recovery and incineration.
  • About 1/3 of our waste is paper and paperboard while another is yard and kitchen waste. The rest is glass, metals, plastics, textiles, wood and other materials.
  • Over 20% of the garbage thrown out by the average BC household is packaging.
  • Recycling one tonne of newspaper saves 19 trees, 3 cubic metres of landfill space, 4,000 kilowatt hours of energy, 29,000 litres of water and 30 kgs of air pollution.

Let us know what you think of the video on our Facebook page.

For these facts and more visit:

Don’t forget to subscribe and share on social media!


Welcome to our new blog “pRRRdy Talks Trash!” In this blog pRRRdy will be posting all sorts of tips and tricks on recycling and more!

Let’s start the year off right by making New Year’s recycling resolutions! Here are some ways to make 2018 a greener year!

Resolution Ideas

  • Fabric Grocery Bags. You know all those fabric grocery bags you’ve collected over the years, yet always forget to use? Start putting them in your car and make it a habit to start using them when you shop!
  • Meal Planning! This can help you save money as well as reduce food waste. Spend time planning your week of meals, make a list and do one grocery shop for the week. This helps to cut down on buying unnecessary food that may not get eaten! Check out these templates for planning meals and grocery lists, or these apps!
  • Go Digital with bills! This year make the change from mailed statements and bills, to emailed statements and bills. This saves paper and time! Also opt out of receiving mailed catalogs and flyers. This helps the earth and your mail box.
  • Cut down on packaged food. Take some time to make muffins or granola bars for the week’s lunches. Not only is it healthy and saves money, it helps cut down on packaging waste! Here are some ideas for muffins and bars.
  • Bring a reusable mug or cup! Many places actually give a discount for those who bring in a travel mug or reusable cup! Almost all disposable cups are actually covered in plastic therefore they cannot be recycled.

Let us know if you have any New Year’s recycling resolutions on our Facebook page.

If you liked this post and want to see more subscribe to our mailing list for new blog posts every other week!