Old Fort News

Environmental Assessment Office grants approval for BC Hydro’s contingency truck hauling plan

On March 16, 2021, British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (BC Hydro) requested an amendment under Section 32(1) of the Environmental Assessment Act to allow for the implementation of a contingency truck hauling plan. The contingency plan, if approved, would allow for BC Hydro to haul material from the 85th Avenue Industrial Lands to the Site C dam site area as a backup, if BC Hydro experienced a downtime of more than three consecutive days.

On July 7, 2022, the PRRD was notified by the Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) that the EAO’s Deputy Chief Assessment Officer had issued their decision to grant BC Hydro’s amendment request.


Development applications for lands within the Old Fort Study Area

Until further notice, and at the resolution of the Regional Board, the Peace River Regional District will consider, but is likely to reject or defer any application for Development Variance Permits, Temporary Use Permits, Official Community Plan (OCP) Bylaw Amendments and Zoning Bylaw Amendments for lands within the Geohazard Study Area (outlined in red in the below map). The study area is located approximately 5 kilometers south of Fort St. John near the community of Old Fort, BC.


Update on August 10 meeting with Old Fort residents

Most residents of the Old Fort community are aware that the Peace River Regional District (PRRD) published the Tetra Tech geohazard report last week, and announced plans for a Zoom information session with Old Fort residents scheduled for August 10 at 7 p.m.

The PRRD has received questions from residents asking why the information session won’t be held in person. The Provincial Health Officer order on indoor organized gatherings currently limits capacity to 50 people or 50% capacity. We made the decision to host the meeting virtually to ensure that as many residents as possible can safely attend the meeting, in addition to the necessary outside agencies included in the panel.


Response to BC Hydro request for amendment to Environmental Assessment Certificate

The PRRD has responded to the BC Hydro request for an amendment to the Environmental Assessment Certificate regarding hauling materials by truck from 85th Avenue industrial lands to the Site C Project dam site area.

Read the letter here.
Visit the BC Hydro virtual page here.

BC Hydro Public Advisory
BC Hydro Virtual Town Hall Invitation
Site C – 85th Ave Hauling Amendment TAC
TAC Presentation April 29, 2021


PRRD Chair’s letter to BC Environmental Assessment Office asks for fair consideration of input concerning truck hauling plan

A letter asking for the highest level of consideration set out in the ‘Environmental Assessment Certificate and Exemption Order Amendment Policy’ has been sent to the BC Environmental Assessment Office from PRRD Chair Brad Sperling. The Chair advocates for a paced process to allow for meaningful input, research and analysis and fair consideration of all input concerning the plan to haul material by truck from 85th Avenue to the Site C Project dam site.

Read the letter here

PRRD Chair’s letter to BC Hydro – truck hauling application to Site C dam site area

PRRD Chair Brad Sperling has sent a letter to BC Hydro outlining the PRRD’s concerns regarding Hydro’s recently announced plan to haul material by truck from 85th Avenue industrial lands to the Site C Project dam site area.

Read the letter here

Notice of Proposed BC Hydro Project Amendment

As part of the construction for BC Hydro’s Site C project, BC Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) approvals were granted for the use of a conveyor system to move dam construction material from the 85th Ave. Industrial Lands to the dam construction site.

BC Hydro is now planning to apply to the BC Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) for an amendment to the project’s approval in order to haul this material in dump trucks by public road in the event the conveyor system is shut down.