
Notice of Meetings – February 20, 2025

Meetings of the Committee of the Whole, Peace River Regional District Board and Peace River Regional Hospital District Board will be held beginning at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, February 20, 2025 at the Dawson Creek office located at 1981 Alaska Avenue in Dawson Creek, BC.

Agendas may be viewed on the PRRD’s web page at

The PRRD will accept gallery questions and comments from the public, either at the meeting, or via email in advance, sent to Your comments and your name will be read out loud during the Gallery Questions and Comments portion of the meeting. Gallery comments are limited to items on the agenda, and each person has up to two minutes to share their views or pose questions for the Board’s consideration.

Board meetings are livestreamed over Facebook:

Holiday closure for Family Day

The Peace River Regional District offices are closed on Monday, February 17, 2025, for Family Day.

Regular hours resume on Tuesday, February 18, 2025.

A small child and adult tobogganing down a hill in the winter

Important BC Building Code changes take effect March 10

PRRD implements new provincial building code requirements

The province of BC has updated its Building Code. Starting March 10, 2025, all new building permit applications must follow the 2024 BC Building Code. This includes updated seismic design rules and new ‘zero carbon’ GHG emission standards. These provincial requirements apply to any permit applications submitted on or after this date.

Key changes

  • Starting March 10, 2025, as mandated by the province, all building permit applications must fully comply with the 2024 BC Building Code, including new seismic design standards
  • New buildings must adhere to zero carbon standards by meeting specific greenhouse gas emission level 1 and install systems to track and report these emissions

Seismic design

The 2024 BC Building Code includes significant changes to Section 9.23.13, addressing bracing requirements for lateral loads from wind and earthquakes. These requirements reflect British Columbia’s high seismic hazard values.

The Ministry of Housing will provide additional resources, including an illustrated guide for lateral load design, to help builders and designers implement these new requirements.

New Zero Carbon standards

Starting March 10, 2025, all new buildings must comply with the provincial minimum Level 1 of the Zero Carbon Step Code. This requires:

  • Measuring and disclosing operational greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
  • Installing systems to track and report these emissions

The provincial minimum is Level 1, and the PRRD will enforce this provincial requirement.


First advance voting opportunity February 12 for Area B Director

The first advance voting opportunity for the Electoral Area B Director by-election will be held Wednesday, February 12, 2025. Residents and property owners can vote for one of two candidates: Reid Graham and Madeleine Lehmann.
Advance voting will be available at the Pomeroy Sport Center (9324 96 Street, Fort St. John) from 8 am to 8 pm.

Voter Information

No pre-registration is required. Voters must bring two pieces of identification that prove both identity and residency, with at least one containing a signature. However, non-resident property owners should contact the Chief Election Officer, Tyra Henderson, in advance to ensure they have the required documentation: by email at or by phone at 250-784-3200.


Hudson’s Hope Transfer Station Upgrade Complete

The Peace River Regional District (PRRD) announces the successful completion of the Hudson’s Hope Transfer Station Tier 1 Upgrade Project at 20318 Canyon Road. This significant improvement brings enhanced waste management services to nearby communities.

As part of this upgrade, the recycling station formerly located at Legacy Market has found a new home. All residents can now access the following waste disposal and recycling options at the newly upgraded Hudson’s Hope Transfer Station:


PRRD Receives Provincial Funding – Community Emergency Preparedness Fund Disaster Risk Reduction

The Peace River Regional District (PRRD) is pleased to share that they are the recipient of an $80,000 grant from the provincial Community Emergency Preparedness Fund under the Disaster Risk Reduction – Climate Adaptation Stream.  Back in February, 2023, the Regional Board endorsed the recommendation from the Emergency Executive Committee to apply for the funding, to allow the PRRD to contract an environmental engineering company to research, prepare and facilitate  a geohazards workshop for staff and the Regional Board. The funding will be used to inform the Regional Board and their staff the importance of geohazard risk identification and risk reduction, to better position them to make informed decision on land use and emergency management planning in the region.


Local Government Climate Action Plan (LGCAP)

The LGCAP is a program to support local governments and Modern Treaty Nations by contributing predictable and stable funding. This funding supports local climate action to reduce emissions and prepare communities for impacts of a changing climate. Please find our survey information and attestation form submitted for the 2022 year.

Online reservation system open for Blackfoot Regional Park

The Peace River Regional District (PRRD) has partnered with Let’s Camp to offer online reservations for Blackfoot Regional Park. Let’s Camp is a user-friendly platform that allows visitors to view available sites, book and securely pay for the perfect camping spot up to 30 days in advance.

Blackfoot Regional Park is located approximately 75 kilometers east of Fort St. John and 51 kilometers north of Dawson Creek at 2098 Rolla Road. The parks boasts scenic views of the mighty Peace River, contains unique forest landscapes and diverse wildlife ecology. Local residents established the park with a crew of summer students in 1972 through a grant from the Province of British Columbia. The Regional District assumed maintenance ownership of the property by 1988.

Feedback needed from Area B residents on potable water in Rose Prairie

The Peace River Regional District held a community meeting with Area B residents on March 30, 2023 to update the community about the Rose Prairie water station, and to discuss possible solutions for potable water sources in the area. The Rose Prairie water station has been closed since March 11, 2021, after explosive levels of gas were detected in the air within the treatment storage tank and the well casing. The planned February 22, 2021 opening was cancelled and further testing during the following week revealed continued levels of gas within the casing.


Regional District Highlights, December 2022

Highlights from this issue include:

  • Holiday greetings from the PRRD
  • North Peace Leisure Pool eNewsletter now available
  • Grant Writer Services program update
  • PRRD looking for resident park caretaker