May 17, 2023
The Peace River Regional District has rescinded the Cameron River Evacuation Order #1 as of 1500 hrs (3:00 p.m.) on May 17, 2023. This means the Evacuation Order is cancelled pursuant to Section 12 (1) of the BC Emergency Program Act for the Cameron River/Halfway River area on the Upper Halfway Road from Cameron River to Lexau Ranch.
This notification does not apply to the Halfway River First Nation.
Residents on these properties can return home; however, it is important to note that these properties are now under Cameron River Evacuation Alert #2.
- Please refer to our Heading Back Home Guide for tips on returning safely to your home after an evacuation. Here’s a link:
- Please review the instructions for the Cameron River Evacuation Alert #2 to be prepared to evacuation on short notice if needed.
Please note that an Evacuation Order may need to be reissued; however, if that is deemed necessary, the Evacuation Order process will re-commence.
For more information, please contact the Peace River Regional District at 250-784-4838.