BC Hydro will soon start work to relocate a section of the overhead power line along the Jackfish Lake Road. The line runs through a gravel pit near the bend in the road at the south end of Jackfish Lake. Hydro is removing that section from the gravel pit and relocating it to the road.
There are two stages to the on-site work that will impact traffic along the road:
- Vegetation clearing will occur from April 20 to 30, for about 3 to 6 days within those dates along Jackfish Lake Road with flaggers/traffic control.
- Line construction crews will be working between May 15 and July 31 with flaggers/traffic control.
View scope map here
Hours of work will be Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to as late as 6 pm. Please kindly follow the direction of traffic control at all times.
Once the new line construction is complete, there will be a planned power outage to disconnect the old section of line and connect the new section. The timing of this outage will be confirmed toward the end of the construction phase and we will share that information with affected residents about two weeks prior to the planned outage date.