Advance voting opens

Electors across the Peace Region can cast their votes in advance of general voting day during advance voting opportunities held on both October 5 and 12th, 2022 at select locations across the region. The last opportunity to vote will be in-person on October 15, 2022, but voters who are unable to attend a voting place in-person can also still request a mail in ballot from the Peace River Regional District (PRRD) before October 14, 2022 at 4:30pm.

Voters across the region, including those within member municipalities, will be able to vote on four different proposed assent voting opportunities. These opportunities include grant-in-aid service functions for sport and cultural events, the global geopark, and a dinosaur museum, in addition to a regional connectivity service fund. Electors residing in Area B will also be asked to vote on the establishment of a financial contribution service for the Fort St. John Public Library.

Candidate elections are being held only in Area B and Area C. Incumbent candidates Dan Rose and Leonard Hiebert were elected via acclamation in Electoral Areas E and D, respectively. However, electors in Areas E and D can still vote on proposed assent bylaws.

For more information regarding assent voting opportunities, candidate elections, and advance voting opportunities, visit our website at or call the PRRD at 250-784-3200.

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