Doig River First Nation (DRFN) and the Peace River Regional District (PRRD) convened an all-day workshop in May between elected officials and senior administrative staff to learn more about each other’s governance structures, service delivery models and bylaws relating to land use. DRFN has acquired several fee simple properties within the regional district that are in the process of transitioning to reserve status through the Addition to Reserve mechanism. The process adds lands to the existing reserve land of a First Nation or creates a new reserve for First Nations. Future activities on these lands within the PRRD will encompass a range of developments that will strengthen the socio-economic status of DRFN and the greater BC Peace region.
The May workshop was an important initial step toward realizing a process for a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between both levels of government, with discussion topics including:
- Overall development goals and goals for specific land parcels;
- Overview of reserve land tenure and legal frameworks;
- Land code challenges and opportunities;
- Analysis of servicing type agreements;
- Review of typical MoU structures and possible content;
- Roles and responsibilities for service delivery;
- Bylaws and enforcement;
- Communications;
- Dispute resolution.
This government-to-government meeting to develop a MoU will guide how the PRRD and DRFN will work together in the future on mutual interests and future DRFN developments on lands within the regional district boundary. Once the MoU is in place, the teams will work to reach long-term solutions that will strengthen the collaborative and working relationship between both governments, and set clear directions for the future establishment of municipal-type service agreements
The PRRD and DRFN will issue updates as the draft MoU proceeds into its next stages.