PRRD shelves report on the Adeline Kelly building to facilitate full review of options

The Regional Board has deferred its decision on recommended changes to the North Peace Fall Fair Use and Occupancy License Agreement for the Adeline Kelly building, as outlined in a recent staff report to the Board. The North Peace Fall Fair (NPFF) Society submitted a building permit application to the PRRD in 2021 for a proposed addition to the building, with plans to incorporate a kitchen, washrooms and other community hall space. The addition would be a departure from its existing permitted use as an
F-2 Medium Industrial Hazard building under the BC Building Code.

The Board of Directors listened to the concerns expressed by members of the NPFF Society and its volunteers during a Board meeting on March 31. Electoral Area B Director Karen Goodings, who is also an appointee of the NPFF Society, moved a recommendation to defer the report to June 9, 2022. The deferral will enable the NPFF Society to undertake engineering studies to review its options and determine whether they can bring the building into compliance with the BC Building Code for public assembly.

NPFF Society Chair Bruce Christensen spoke to the recommendation, stating, “We’ve always had a good working relationship [with the Regional District] and we want to keep it”.

The staff at the Peace River Regional District will continue to work closely with the NPFF Society to ensure that public safety is paramount moving forward with the necessary research before June 9.

The PRRD will also be reviewing other facilities within their portfolio, separate from the NPFF Society, working with operators and volunteers to ensure public safety.

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