Statement regarding racist remarks towards Chief Desjarlais

Chair Brad Sperling, on behalf of the Board of Directors for the Peace River Regional District (PRRD), has released the following statement regarding the hateful remarks made towards Chief Judy Desjarlais.

“We are aware of the anonymous voicemail sent to Blueberry River First Nation’s Chief Desjarlais, in which repulsive racist comments and threats were made. I want to be very clear that the Peace River Regional District fully condemns racism and the expression of hatred, and we are incredibly disappointed that this event has occurred.”

“There is no instance or scenario that justifies a member of our community being treated this way.”

“The PRRD has been actively engaged in conversations with our First Nations partners about how we can set the table for inclusivity, and progress towards a relationship that is based on a foundation of honesty, integrity and trust. It is imperative that residents of the Peace region feel safe within their communities. The remarks made this week reinforce why this work is critical, and why we will fervently continue our efforts in this capacity.”

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